When we keep the silence to keep the peace, we start a war inside ourselves.

I used to live in a world where there was a raging battle inside every day. I couldn’t say the “hard thing.” I lived in a world where…- I didn’t stand up for myself.
- I didn’t ask for what I needed, or wanted.
- I wan’t holding others accountable to their word.
- I was passive aggressive, and this ensured I didn’t get what I wanted.
And then one day I thought to myself “there has to be a better way.” I no longer wanted to live in a world where I betrayed myself by not saying the hard thing.
Then I said enough. Anything had to be better than this.
I realized I was worth more. I’ve earned the right to say the hard thing. I deserved to be heard. So, I learned a few things.
- I learned about the Fool’s Choice and how I found myself making it all the time.
- I learned how to seek to understand.
- I learned how to check my assumptions.
- I learned how to name and express my feelings.
- l learned how to have the conversation.
I found my voice and in doing so, I found my peace. Saying the hard thing is, well, hard. But you know what I’ve discovered? Not say the hard thing is even harder.

Do any of the below sound familiar to you?
You have a hard time standing your ground or expressing your opinion in the face of disagrement.
You have a hard time addressing an ethical issue.
Being vulnerable and asking someone what you can do to be better in a relationship.
How about being vulnerable about anything?
You go into fight or flight mode when having a hard conversation.
You find it hard to tell someone they’re upsetting you, for fear of retaliation.
You have a hard time telling someone their work isn’t up to par.
You find it hard to ask for help.
You can’t seem to break off a relationship that no longer serves you.
You have a hard time giving someone legit feedback for fear of hurting their feelings.
You have a hard time asking for a raise, or change in behavior.
You have a hard time selling yourself.
Well, I’m here to help.

I’ve designed a coaching session just for you.
If you’re ready to find peace of mind and have *the* conversation you’ve been avoiding, then I’m ready to help! With my Tough Converations coaching session you get ALL the below!
- A 45 minute strategy session where we will come up with a game plan on how you can specifically address the situatuion you’ve been avoiding.
- A pre-meeting worksheet that will give you time to think through the conversation you need to have and why you’ve been avoiding it.
- A 15 minute follow up to celebrate your success and discuss how your conversation went.
Imagine the peace of mind and sleep you'll get after saying the hard thing.
Think about it for just a sec. Imagine how you’ll feel once the conversation is done and you’ve said what you needed to say. Imagine how good it will feel when you decide to choose you, stand up for you, say the the hard thing you’ve been dying to say, but haven’t. That’s real freedom. Won’t you give yourself the gift?
Sign up now. You’ve got nothing to lose, and everything to gain.