by Marianne | Mar 31, 2014 | Uncategorized
Next week Work Warrior will start a series on common bullies found in the workplace and what you can do fight against the bully. However, this week, I want to encourage you to think about a world full of bully free workplaces. I envision it to look something like...
by Marianne | Mar 31, 2014 | Be Fearless, Culture and Healthy Workplaces, Featured Posts, Leadership Development, Process Development, Stats, Team Development
For me, the word bully conjures up memories of the beloved movie, “A Christmas Story”. Throughout the movie you see Scut Farkus, a stereotypical bully, large in size and awkward looking, disregarding rules and bullying the seemingly helpless nerd Ralphie....
by Marianne | Mar 30, 2014 | Engagements
Join Work Warrior and other small business owners every Tuesday morning at 9:00 to connect with others, discuss topics faced by other business owners and build a support team! Each week KC Businesses provides an opportunity to share ideas with others, build...
by Marianne | Mar 23, 2014 | Be Fearless, Uncategorized
This summer I was with my niece at the library. While she was picking out her books I was wandering around the career management section. I immediately stopped when I saw the title Working with Bitches by Meredith Fuller. Aside from having the maturity of a 5th grader...