by Marianne | Jul 29, 2014 | Be Fearless, Featured Posts, Uncategorized
At Toastmaster’s last night a new member was giving her “ice-breaker” speech. This is a 4-6 minute speech on any subject. Jenny, a new member, chose to speak about her struggle with crippling depression and anxiety. She ended the speech by quoting...
by Marianne | Jul 18, 2014 | Featured Posts, Leadership Development, Team Development, Uncategorized
If you google how to write a mission statement more than 300,000 results pop up. Each one of those articles contain different advice on how to write a great company vision statement. Really, a vision statement should only have one purpose; inspire others to want to be...
by Marianne | Jun 19, 2014 | Featured Posts, Process Development, Skilled, Uncategorized
I would get really excited when one of my team members applied for a promotion. Mock interview would be scheduled and clandestine research would be completed on the interview panel. I had an interview “war room” like process to get my team members...
by Marianne | Jun 6, 2014 | Featured Posts, Leadership Development, Process Development, Skilled, Uncategorized
I love structure. It allows me creative freedom to put my ideas in motion. I can figure out a starting point and fill in all steps necessary to get me where I am going…except sometimes I don’t know where I am going. Sometimes something happens and the only...
by Marianne | Jun 2, 2014 | Be Fearless, Featured Posts, Uncategorized
If you all haven’t seen the documentary Bully I recommend you watch it…now. It tells the very real story of five families who are living with the affects of bullying. One story told is that of Ty Smalley. Ty was 11 years old and from Perkins Oklahoma. ...