Fear Less


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Fear Less

Are you afraid you aren’t good enough?
Are you afraid you aren’t talented enough?
Are you afraid you aren’t strong enough?
Are you afraid someone will reject you?
Are you afraid no one will need you?
Are you afraid you’ll be alone?

Are you afraid you’ll be judged?
Are you afraid you’ll be ignored?
Are you afraid they’ll see who you really are?


Why Fear Less matters to you.

Because fear keeps us from saying the really hard thing. And when we keep the silence to keep the peace, we start a war inside ourselves.

Because fear keeps us from leaving. We allow the “what ifs” take over and distort the actual reality.

Because fear keeps us from applying for the promotion, or asking for the raise. The fear of rejection overtakes the possibility of success.

Because fear keeps us from going to the Dr. to figure out what is wrong. We’re afraid the truth might kill us, as opposed to realizing it might save us.

Because fear keeps us from intimacy. The thought of judgement overtakes our need for closeness.

Because fear keeps us from asking ourselves really hard questions. We’re afraid we might find out we are too broken to be mended, as opposed to seeing acceptance is the start of healing.

Because fear keeps us from showing others who we *really* are. If they knew what we longed for they may judge us and not love us anymore. The reality is they might love is exactly as we are.

Because fear keeps us up at night, worrying about *all the things.* And we lose sight of the fact right now is the only thing we know for certain.

Because fear keeps us from living. It doesn’t allow us to see there is a different, better way.

Listen to why Fear Less matters to me (Marianne) and what you can expect from the program!

How it works!

The program is two parts:

First, we will have a 1:1 session where we walk through the fears you’ve identified so that you can better understand them.  During the 1:1 session, we’ll walk through the Fear Less philosophy and you’ll be provided with the tried-and-true tools that will become the foundation to building a more confident you.

You’ll learn…

Why we have fear– how to recognize it and what to do when it creeps up…or knocks you down.

How we can rewrite our stories– observing and changing the stories we tell ourselves (toxic thought habits). We all have them. And until we get real about their existence we will never be able to rewrite the narrative.

How we can act as if-from the moment our 1:1 is finished you’ll have the tools to  start practicing how to fake it until you become it. Hey, practice makes perfect! And will a little bravery and action you’ll be surprised and delighted as to how confidence completely changes your world.

Do it-We’ll spend time talking about how to find opportunities to be brave, to be the hero of your own story. You’ll have an actionable plan that you can start working the moment we are finished with our 1:1

Why we self sabotage with fear– we all do it. When we know why we are able to make different choices. We are able to Fear Less.

Recognize how we act – when you understand how you act when you are afraid means you have a choice to act inspite of.

Marianne believed in me. We met during a season in which my confidence was shaky. My business was growing, which was great, but I felt unsure if I could maintain momentum. Marianne to the rescue! Her effervescent personality and sparkly attitude is contagious! Her effervescent personality and sparkly attitude is contagious! Marianne was consistently encouraging. She has a knack for being both a cheerleader and a coach. As a total self-improvement nerd, I’ve found that most coaches and speakers fall into one of two camps — either inspiring and high-level, or realistic and actionable. Marianne is both. She’s refreshing and candid and honest . . . while at the same time, pushing you towards your best, most fearless self.

Sarah Koci Scheilz

Owner, Inspiration Comminications

And then the hard work begins.

Towards the end of my Work Warrior coaching, I came to recognize a big shift in the stories that I told myself. At the outset of coaching, many of the stories that I created were massively driven by other people’s expectations and aspirations. I was looking for a mold or archetype. When the stories matched my experience, all was well and it felt like the universe was in order. When I went off script, the wheels fell off. This led to waves of inaction and frustration. The coaching brought me to a new type of story, one built around my values, my experiences, my thoughts, and my realities. Now the script is mine and that allows me to deal with setbacks, challenges, and also opportunities with a whole new level of confidence and calm.

Matt Mullin

Owner, Article 30

After our 1:1, the real hard work (and life changing challenge) beings. For 28 days we’ll be hosting an email challenge. You’ll be pushed.  You’ll discover, and by the end, you’ll me amazing at yourself, and your ability to recongize the stories you tell yourseslf that keeps you in fear. You’ll explore…

  • How to be more brave by defining what matters most to you.
  • How to define your values so you can live into them.
  • Take a look at what you need to accept now so you can change it.
  • Understand the science behind why we accept things that make us unhappy.
  • Look at the “What ifs” game we play and understanding why it’s detrimental to fearing less.
  • Examin and understand the comparison game.
  • Learn how to change your language so you can change your world.
  • How to accept or reject negative feedback so you don’t internalize it and entrench your fear.
  • How to work around obsiticals as opposed to letting fear decide you can’t do it.
  • How to recongize your fear and how to sit with it so it becomes less…well, scary.
  • How to change your perspective on fear and extend grace to yourelf when you feel it.
  • How to use gratitute, forgiveness, and letting go as ways to better manage fear so you can fear less.

Once your 21 day challenge is over, we’ll meet again for our second 1:1. Toghether we’ll make sure you have a roadmap on how to move forward. How you can use your tools to Fear Less.

That’s not all you get!

Also, aside from our email challenge, you’ll get access to:

  • Our private Facebook group where you’ll be able to share your stories. We’ll be there to answer questions, and support you as needed.
  • Also, we’ll host special Facebook Q&A sessions with rockstar people who will share their stories and be available to answer your questions about confidence, fearing less, and being brave.

And finally, once you’ve completed the Fear Less program you’ll receive my very favorite *All The Things* workbook. It is chalk full of my favorite tools to making your life better. Just some of the things you’ll get…

  • How to overcome a crisis of confidence.
  • Recognizing and changing your response to triggers.
  • How to overcome any obstacle.
  • How to choose empowering beliefs
  • Calming stress and anxiety.

And so much more.

Marianne’s incredible because her services are tailored to you as an individual person.  She’s an incredible listener and notices yours trends and behaviors to tailor what’s best for you. For me, I had a few roadblocking fears that she recognized. These were inhibiting my growth as a founder and leader. WW helped me understand the roots of these fears and actionable process to put in place to meditate them. It’s unlocked the doors for me in many ways. I’ve come to realize this takes a very dynamic person to pull off. WW has that. 

Brooke Mullin

Owner, Sapahn

$497...it's a small investment.

What are you waiting for? Go ahead. Give yourself the gift. Fear Less. Do the impossible. Climb the mountain. Have the conversation. Stop letting fear be the thing that keeps you from doing you.